Back from Bonn and Amsterdam. (:
Super jetlagged for the past month cos I have flown to London and Paris for AEP trip for 10 days, back in Singapore for 10 days, and back to Europe for another 10 days. >.<
I will upload nice photos of the trip soon I guess, my com sucks cos it can't read my memory card and wait,now I can't find my memory card... >.< Need to tidy up my room ASAP!
Solving bio questions now for my teacher cos he requested...not like I mind. Bleh but I wonder if I can sleep tonight. @_@
I'm a nocturnal owl with a screwed body clock.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
How I feel right now.
p.s.Wan Wan's illustration comics never fail to cheer me up! :)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Sitting on the MRT just now and the person beside me was sketching and I was like really impressed cos the drawings look quite good and those are drawn on a moving MRT train. O.O
Went to the HCAEP art show a few days back and I was really impressed at the quality of the works. I realised that I have to work really really hard to improve myself if I wanna join HCAEP. >.< oh well
Went to the HCAEP art show a few days back and I was really impressed at the quality of the works. I realised that I have to work really really hard to improve myself if I wanna join HCAEP. >.< oh well
For my best friend(:
Made this card the day before her O levels started and rushed to her house at night to give it to her. I think she was quite touched. :')
Well, she said that it was the most beautiful card that she has received, but I felt that it could be much improved on lol...It was rushed out cos I was slacking in the afternoon and only started working on her card at 5++ pm.
Why did I use blue as the base for the card-.-well, looking on the bright side, at least the blue paper is somewhat shiny...
Anyway hope that she aces Os with flying colours and come to HCI too!!! Hahaha(:
Well, she said that it was the most beautiful card that she has received, but I felt that it could be much improved on lol...It was rushed out cos I was slacking in the afternoon and only started working on her card at 5++ pm.
Why did I use blue as the base for the card-.-well, looking on the bright side, at least the blue paper is somewhat shiny...
Anyway hope that she aces Os with flying colours and come to HCI too!!! Hahaha(:
Hope this card cheered her up. :)
Sec 4 EOYS paper(:
Growth, Han Sai Por
2. a) Discuss the form and subject matter inherent in this piece of work.
The work comprises of 5 individual sculptures which are all made from marble and have a resemblance in form.
The sculptures are simplified, abstract, stylized, organic and naturalistic. Unnecessary details have been omitted, leaving its basic form and shape. The sculptures have been carved in such a way that they all have a smooth, sinuous continuous flow, giving them a sense of roundness and pleasing fluidity. The sculptures are all white, suggesting purity and tenderness of a baby or of nature, in its growing stages. This work encompasses the different changing stages of metamorphosis and growth. The subject matter, due to its pure abstraction and simplification, have become ambiguous and left open for the viewer's free interpretation with guidance from the title of the work. Based on my interpretation, I find that the sculptures represent the different individual stages of growth of a young seedling. The seedlings have an internal force within them, with a sense of organic vitality in them. They seem to be struggling to grow out of the soil and grow into a full young plant. The 2 sculptures which are positioned closer to the viewer are still in its initial stages of growth, struggling to grow out of the soil as suggested by their tips pointing at a very large angle and by the way the forms are positioned - slanting towards the ground in an angle such that the forms are almost placed horizontally. This shows that they have yet to grow and are struggling to stand up. The next two sculptures are standing up, vertically placed but their tips are curled inwards, suggesting the notion that it is still growing. They are vertically shorter and more rounded as compared to the tallest one, so it suggests that they are in the intermediate stage of growth. The way they are curved downwards also suggest delicacy and tenderness, which means that they are still in the process of growing and not fully matured yet, therefore, they need to be protected. The final sculpture at the back is standing tall and straight, suggesting the fact that it has reached its full maturity level and is now standing majestically and strongly. Its tip is fully extended, making it the tallest structure among the 5. The sculptures are also arranged in a circular arrangement, which suggests the cycle of life and how it is endless as the circle suggests the notion of infinity. It may reflect how nature repeats itself in an endless cycle of life, from a seed to an adult plant and back to a seed again. The smooth and white surface of the sculptures suggest the notion of purity and fragility, which may reflect that nature needs to be protected as nature can be easily destroyed by man. The sculptures seem to interact with its surroundings, creating positive and negative spaces among the work. This suggests that the forces of nature are all around us and not apart from us.
2b. With reference to a collection of work by Han Sai Por, discuss how the artist has used this body of work to communicate about man's relationship with nature.
Han Sai Por has created series of works in relation to man and nature.
These series include Deforestation, Extinction and Destruction. All of these works reflect the notion of nature being destroyed and reflect the cruel remnants of nature left by the man after it is destroyed.
Han Sai Por loves nature, and she is saddened by the fact that in Singapore, tropical rainforests and natural vegetation are cruelly removed to make way for the urban Singapore. Nature has been replaced by the man-made and the raw essence of nature is lost as despite replanting trees to replace lost nature, Singapore becomes a "man-made" environment and has lost its beauty of being all natural. She responds to this by creating works which are made out of stone, granite and marble, which are all natural materials, and through this, she wants to portray the notion of man changing nature as she carves the natural forms into her own raw, organic forms. However, she has only sculpted the essentials to stay "loyal" to the material, which resulted in series of works with the basic, abstract and simplified forms, so as to reflect her wish that man would stop destroying nature and preserve it instead.
In extinction, one of the works show a pile of white bones being stacked and clustered together. Through this, she is saying that man is destroying nature and if man does not stop destroying nature, he will in turn destroy himself too. The pile of bones represent the extinction of nature and man. The bones are pure white, which reflects the notion that if man does not stop destroying nature, nature will lose its raw colours, essence and vitality. In the same series, a few works which have forms resembling coral reefs are shown. She aims to say that coral reefs will become extinct soon if man does not stop destroying them and the coral reefs are white too and through this, she aims to say that coral reefs will lose its vitality and become relics of the past if they are not protected. The works are monochromatic and beautifully sculpted so as to bring out the rawness and purity of nature, and to alert man that nature is innocent and should not be destroyed due to man's own selfish desires.
In the Deforestation Series, some of the works are black which shows that nature has become ugly and polluted due to man's selfish actions. Some of the works in this series cover over a vast area, showing the seriousness and extensiveness of deforestation. Deforestation has caused the extinction of natural plants and wildlife. So together, deforestation and extinction series serve to bring out the idea that nature must be protected and man should live harmoniously with nature for the sake of nature and man's own survival.
2c. Identify and cite a work by another artist who has also used sculpture as a vehicle to comment on social/political issues in his/her art. Compare this work with 'Growth' both in terms of subject matter and in their use of materials.
I would cite Christo's 'Wrapped Coast'. In this work, an entire coast is being wrapped by a huge piece of white cloth and the cloth is tied down to the coast with ropes. This is a site-specific installation which is displayed outside the galleries and the work is actually the gallery itself. This contrasts with 'Growth', which consists 5 miniature sculptures sculptures made of pure white marble, which is placed within the safe confines of the gallery. Wrapped Coast, due to its external location, can interact with its surroundings and the quality of the materials can be changed with the surroundings. For example, it can look different when placed under different lighting and under a stormy day or a sunny day. Its materials(especially the cloth) can be subjected to wear and tear after being displayed for a few weeks. However, Growth, does not experience much changing external conditions as it is situated indoors so it is protected from the wear and tear due to the forces of nature. Materials used in both works are white, reflecting the notion of purity and fragility. Growth only consists of one single material(marble) while Wrapped Coast is more of a mixed media installation(cloth, ropes and the coast itself). Growth is created by carving the material while Wrapped Coast is created by wrapping the cloth over the coast, not changing the material's initial form. Growth comprises of both hard and soft medium (hard - coast, soft - cloth). The size of the sculptures are also different- Growth is small while Wrapped Coast as they have a different subject matter. Both subject matters are abstracted and simplified. Growth's sculptures consists of raw and naturalistic, organic forms while Wrapped Coast has been abstracted, changing a detailed Coast into one that is simplified, removing the details of the coast by covering them. Both works are advocating the artist's love for nature, and both are conveying the message that nature is fragile, beautiful and pure, therefore there is an urgent need to stop destroying and start conserving nature. Christo's work, being temporary, conveys the idea that nature can be ephemeral and can be ultimately destroyed if it is not conserved. Growth,however, serves to bring out the beauty and delicacy of a growing seed and playing more on the soft side of the viewer's emotions.
Growth shows a continuous life cycle while Wrapped Coast shows a temporary work which will be removed, thus having a short life cycle. Growth tends to bring out the inner vitality in nature while Wrapped Coast brings out the real truth that nature has to be saved immediately or else it will be demolished and meet its demise, just like how Wrapped Coast is removed after being on displayed for a few weeks.

Migrant Mother Labourer(Lunch Break)
3a. Discuss the subject matter addressed in these works.
In Labourer (Lunch Break), a labourer can be seen in a sitting position, taking a break from his work. The labourer is wearing simple clothes which look old and worn out, suggesting the idea of modesty and being prudent. He is gazing into the distance, frowning slightly in deep contemplation. His legs are muscular and well-toned, suggesting that he does hard manual labour. His serious gaze and muscles give him an air of respectability as his image reflects one of an honest working man. Even though it is his lunch break, he seems to be thinking, suggesting that he is a serious man.
In the background, a samsui woman can be seen eating her lunch. They are in a Chinese looking eating place as suggested by the simplicity of the setting and the rounded wooden table in the background. With reference to the date of the painting and the clothes that the figures are wearing, it suggests that they are local labourers who are working hard to build Singapore and they are the ones who are the first contributors towards modern Singapore. It may seem like an ordinary scene with ordinary people taking a break, but they are the ones who struggled to rebuild Singapore and allowed Singapore to overcome poverty and become urbanised. The slightly worn down infrastructure also reflected the living conditions and infrastructure of Singapore in the 1960s. These figures are brought into light so that people can acknowledge them. The colour scheme is simple and along with the simplicity of the setting and the figures' clothes, it suggests that they are leading a simple, humble but tough life.
In Migrant Mother, a mother in her 30s can be seen, with 2 young children huddled together, their faces hidden, resting on their mother's body. The surroundings look old and worn out, in a shabby condition. The mother and children's clothes look torn, old and tattered, suggesting that they live in deep poverty. The mother's chin is resting on her hand, as she is contemplating about her next step in life. She gazes worriedly, as suggested by her contorted facial emotions, into a distance and wonders how she is going to provide for her children in the days to come. The children's faces are hidden, suggesting something negative and and that they may not have a bright future to look forward to. The photograph is in black and white, suggesting the notion of poverty and it brings out the heavy mood that the photograph is intending to portray. The mother has seven children, whom she can hardly provide for due to her current financial conditions, evoking sympathy from the viewers.
3b. Explain the term social realism. Describe the artistic devices employed by the artists that give these works a social realistic quality.
Social realism is the depiction of actual conditions that the society lives in and it reflects the reality of society. For works with social realism, viewers are able to access the work and relate to the work quite easily and directly.
In Labourer, the artist uses a limited colour scheme which comprises of brown, black, red and white. Most colours are also in darker tones. This serves to bring out the simplicity of the people's lives back then. The proportions are accurate and the scene looks natural and unposed, giving it a photographic quality as the forms are not distorted and exaggerated, suggesting that it is a real scene. This work serves to bring people back to the 1960s and allow people to immerse in the whole situation. The simplicity of the clothes are also a prominent feature of the work. The brushwork is fine and detailed, with no visible brushstrokes, hence portraying each and every form in an accurate manner, so that people can relate to it. The colours are naturally applied, giving it a sense of realism. The artwork also depicts the building of a nation and labourers working hard during the 1960s, which is a very accurate depiction of social reality. The work is simple and non-decorative, suggesting the prudent lives of the society back then, so the viewers can relate to the lifestyle of the society back then and reflect upon the current state of their society.
Migrant Mother is a photograph. The medium itself suggests that it is an accurate and truthful depiction of the society back then. In context of this work, in the 1930s, the whole world is suffering from the Great Depression, which has left many people, including the migrant workers, in poverty, and this societal situation is reflected in the work. The mother and her children are in true accurate proportions and there is no sign of distortion in the photograph, so people can easily relate to the mother and empathise with her plight. There is no visible brushwork, so this photograph is photorealistic, such that the conditions and challenges faced by the people portrayed by the photograph can be effectively conveyed. The photograph is not exaggerated and the figures do not look posed but quite natural, bringing across the true situation of the people suffering from the Great Depression. The work is in monochrome, which suggests that the work encapsulates the history of society and the reality of the past.
The surroundings have carefully framed the work, bringing the sufferings of the mother to light. The composition also helps the viewers to determine the central focus of the photograph and effectively conveying its message, aided by the composition of the photograph, bringing the suffering migrant mother to attention and reflecting a true societal condition of the past.
3c. In the contemporary environment, young people are bombarded with imagery through the internet and media. In your opinion, which of the two works will best retain its relevance to future generations?
I feel that Migrant Mother will best retain its relevance to the future generations.
In the modern age, society has been absorbed in imagery of the internet and media, making them ignorant to what happened in the past. Modern media is usually too engrossed in portraying an idealistic Utopian world, but it has hardly brought the sufferings of the past to light. I feel that both works are relevant to remind people of the past and not be complacent because of the wealthy and prosperous society that they are living in now. However, Migrant Mother is more relevant due to is international context as the whole world suffered from the Great Depression. Lunch Break has a more Asian context so not everyone throughout the world can relate to Lunch Break.
Migrant Mother brings the incidence of absolute poverty to light as it highlights that poverty is prevalent. The idea of poverty is still applicable in today's context as poverty is still widespread around the world, but the media has failed to publicise this notion. For future generations, they can be reminded of poverty and treasure what they currently have as they have so much more as compared to those living in poverty. This work also serves as a reminder to nations that poverty is still prevalent and corporations and countries should provide aid to those in the impoverished countries. Labourer serves more as a memory for Singaporeans to remember their founding forefathers but it does not apply to the international community. Therefore, not relevant to the international community.
Migrant Mother also comes in a series of photographs, which shows the prevalence of poverty during the Great Depression. The future generations will be more convinced of the incidence of poverty as they get different viewpoints of poverty, whereas Lunch Break is a singular painting which shows only one aspect of nation building in Singapore. Migrant Mother is a photograph, which the future generations can relate more due to the digitalising world. Lunch Break is only a painting and only those in the art world can relate to it.
Poverty is a problem which has still yet to be addressed and this work serves as a reminder to future generations not to be complacent and instead, address this prevailing problem instead of being fooled by the media.
Ok, so this essay is like the last essay that I will write for an AEP test in NY... ): I have to admit that I kind of like writing AEP essays under exam conditions :O Hard to believe, but that is how I really feel... I think that my brain functions more quickly during AEP exams and a narrative will just continuously flow out under my pen. :) My brain loves to slack when I am typing SOVA blog posts lol and it will only on its full engine during AEP exams. Haha writing AEP essays are nicer than writing IH essays where you have to really follow the question and this restricts creativity and I get mental blocks when I struggle to recall a piece of statistics to chuck in. Somehow, I feel that I do enjoy writing AEP essays, and that helps as I will feel inspired to write. Well, those above are not model answers, but I feel accomplished that I have managed to let this flow out during the exams. Only edited the grammar mistakes though, and I realised that I need to expand my vocab. :/ Shall do that during the holidays.
I hope I can write more art essays in the future. (: They are the nicest essays to write(well bio essays are also nice to write).
p.s. There's another thing that I have discovered. Piet Mondrian creates simple looking works but he is a chim guy. I can;t understand him lol...-.- When I saw the Piet Mondrian question, I was like...stare at the question, stare at the work, stare hard at the work and forget it--> runs off to be saved by the Han Sai Por question. Luckily there was the Han Sai Por question(:
2b. With reference to a collection of work by Han Sai Por, discuss how the artist has used this body of work to communicate about man's relationship with nature.
Han Sai Por has created series of works in relation to man and nature.
These series include Deforestation, Extinction and Destruction. All of these works reflect the notion of nature being destroyed and reflect the cruel remnants of nature left by the man after it is destroyed.
Han Sai Por loves nature, and she is saddened by the fact that in Singapore, tropical rainforests and natural vegetation are cruelly removed to make way for the urban Singapore. Nature has been replaced by the man-made and the raw essence of nature is lost as despite replanting trees to replace lost nature, Singapore becomes a "man-made" environment and has lost its beauty of being all natural. She responds to this by creating works which are made out of stone, granite and marble, which are all natural materials, and through this, she wants to portray the notion of man changing nature as she carves the natural forms into her own raw, organic forms. However, she has only sculpted the essentials to stay "loyal" to the material, which resulted in series of works with the basic, abstract and simplified forms, so as to reflect her wish that man would stop destroying nature and preserve it instead.
In extinction, one of the works show a pile of white bones being stacked and clustered together. Through this, she is saying that man is destroying nature and if man does not stop destroying nature, he will in turn destroy himself too. The pile of bones represent the extinction of nature and man. The bones are pure white, which reflects the notion that if man does not stop destroying nature, nature will lose its raw colours, essence and vitality. In the same series, a few works which have forms resembling coral reefs are shown. She aims to say that coral reefs will become extinct soon if man does not stop destroying them and the coral reefs are white too and through this, she aims to say that coral reefs will lose its vitality and become relics of the past if they are not protected. The works are monochromatic and beautifully sculpted so as to bring out the rawness and purity of nature, and to alert man that nature is innocent and should not be destroyed due to man's own selfish desires.
In the Deforestation Series, some of the works are black which shows that nature has become ugly and polluted due to man's selfish actions. Some of the works in this series cover over a vast area, showing the seriousness and extensiveness of deforestation. Deforestation has caused the extinction of natural plants and wildlife. So together, deforestation and extinction series serve to bring out the idea that nature must be protected and man should live harmoniously with nature for the sake of nature and man's own survival.
2c. Identify and cite a work by another artist who has also used sculpture as a vehicle to comment on social/political issues in his/her art. Compare this work with 'Growth' both in terms of subject matter and in their use of materials.
I would cite Christo's 'Wrapped Coast'. In this work, an entire coast is being wrapped by a huge piece of white cloth and the cloth is tied down to the coast with ropes. This is a site-specific installation which is displayed outside the galleries and the work is actually the gallery itself. This contrasts with 'Growth', which consists 5 miniature sculptures sculptures made of pure white marble, which is placed within the safe confines of the gallery. Wrapped Coast, due to its external location, can interact with its surroundings and the quality of the materials can be changed with the surroundings. For example, it can look different when placed under different lighting and under a stormy day or a sunny day. Its materials(especially the cloth) can be subjected to wear and tear after being displayed for a few weeks. However, Growth, does not experience much changing external conditions as it is situated indoors so it is protected from the wear and tear due to the forces of nature. Materials used in both works are white, reflecting the notion of purity and fragility. Growth only consists of one single material(marble) while Wrapped Coast is more of a mixed media installation(cloth, ropes and the coast itself). Growth is created by carving the material while Wrapped Coast is created by wrapping the cloth over the coast, not changing the material's initial form. Growth comprises of both hard and soft medium (hard - coast, soft - cloth). The size of the sculptures are also different- Growth is small while Wrapped Coast as they have a different subject matter. Both subject matters are abstracted and simplified. Growth's sculptures consists of raw and naturalistic, organic forms while Wrapped Coast has been abstracted, changing a detailed Coast into one that is simplified, removing the details of the coast by covering them. Both works are advocating the artist's love for nature, and both are conveying the message that nature is fragile, beautiful and pure, therefore there is an urgent need to stop destroying and start conserving nature. Christo's work, being temporary, conveys the idea that nature can be ephemeral and can be ultimately destroyed if it is not conserved. Growth,however, serves to bring out the beauty and delicacy of a growing seed and playing more on the soft side of the viewer's emotions.
Growth shows a continuous life cycle while Wrapped Coast shows a temporary work which will be removed, thus having a short life cycle. Growth tends to bring out the inner vitality in nature while Wrapped Coast brings out the real truth that nature has to be saved immediately or else it will be demolished and meet its demise, just like how Wrapped Coast is removed after being on displayed for a few weeks.
Migrant Mother Labourer(Lunch Break)
3a. Discuss the subject matter addressed in these works.
In Labourer (Lunch Break), a labourer can be seen in a sitting position, taking a break from his work. The labourer is wearing simple clothes which look old and worn out, suggesting the idea of modesty and being prudent. He is gazing into the distance, frowning slightly in deep contemplation. His legs are muscular and well-toned, suggesting that he does hard manual labour. His serious gaze and muscles give him an air of respectability as his image reflects one of an honest working man. Even though it is his lunch break, he seems to be thinking, suggesting that he is a serious man.
In the background, a samsui woman can be seen eating her lunch. They are in a Chinese looking eating place as suggested by the simplicity of the setting and the rounded wooden table in the background. With reference to the date of the painting and the clothes that the figures are wearing, it suggests that they are local labourers who are working hard to build Singapore and they are the ones who are the first contributors towards modern Singapore. It may seem like an ordinary scene with ordinary people taking a break, but they are the ones who struggled to rebuild Singapore and allowed Singapore to overcome poverty and become urbanised. The slightly worn down infrastructure also reflected the living conditions and infrastructure of Singapore in the 1960s. These figures are brought into light so that people can acknowledge them. The colour scheme is simple and along with the simplicity of the setting and the figures' clothes, it suggests that they are leading a simple, humble but tough life.
In Migrant Mother, a mother in her 30s can be seen, with 2 young children huddled together, their faces hidden, resting on their mother's body. The surroundings look old and worn out, in a shabby condition. The mother and children's clothes look torn, old and tattered, suggesting that they live in deep poverty. The mother's chin is resting on her hand, as she is contemplating about her next step in life. She gazes worriedly, as suggested by her contorted facial emotions, into a distance and wonders how she is going to provide for her children in the days to come. The children's faces are hidden, suggesting something negative and and that they may not have a bright future to look forward to. The photograph is in black and white, suggesting the notion of poverty and it brings out the heavy mood that the photograph is intending to portray. The mother has seven children, whom she can hardly provide for due to her current financial conditions, evoking sympathy from the viewers.
3b. Explain the term social realism. Describe the artistic devices employed by the artists that give these works a social realistic quality.
Social realism is the depiction of actual conditions that the society lives in and it reflects the reality of society. For works with social realism, viewers are able to access the work and relate to the work quite easily and directly.
In Labourer, the artist uses a limited colour scheme which comprises of brown, black, red and white. Most colours are also in darker tones. This serves to bring out the simplicity of the people's lives back then. The proportions are accurate and the scene looks natural and unposed, giving it a photographic quality as the forms are not distorted and exaggerated, suggesting that it is a real scene. This work serves to bring people back to the 1960s and allow people to immerse in the whole situation. The simplicity of the clothes are also a prominent feature of the work. The brushwork is fine and detailed, with no visible brushstrokes, hence portraying each and every form in an accurate manner, so that people can relate to it. The colours are naturally applied, giving it a sense of realism. The artwork also depicts the building of a nation and labourers working hard during the 1960s, which is a very accurate depiction of social reality. The work is simple and non-decorative, suggesting the prudent lives of the society back then, so the viewers can relate to the lifestyle of the society back then and reflect upon the current state of their society.
Migrant Mother is a photograph. The medium itself suggests that it is an accurate and truthful depiction of the society back then. In context of this work, in the 1930s, the whole world is suffering from the Great Depression, which has left many people, including the migrant workers, in poverty, and this societal situation is reflected in the work. The mother and her children are in true accurate proportions and there is no sign of distortion in the photograph, so people can easily relate to the mother and empathise with her plight. There is no visible brushwork, so this photograph is photorealistic, such that the conditions and challenges faced by the people portrayed by the photograph can be effectively conveyed. The photograph is not exaggerated and the figures do not look posed but quite natural, bringing across the true situation of the people suffering from the Great Depression. The work is in monochrome, which suggests that the work encapsulates the history of society and the reality of the past.
The surroundings have carefully framed the work, bringing the sufferings of the mother to light. The composition also helps the viewers to determine the central focus of the photograph and effectively conveying its message, aided by the composition of the photograph, bringing the suffering migrant mother to attention and reflecting a true societal condition of the past.
3c. In the contemporary environment, young people are bombarded with imagery through the internet and media. In your opinion, which of the two works will best retain its relevance to future generations?
I feel that Migrant Mother will best retain its relevance to the future generations.
In the modern age, society has been absorbed in imagery of the internet and media, making them ignorant to what happened in the past. Modern media is usually too engrossed in portraying an idealistic Utopian world, but it has hardly brought the sufferings of the past to light. I feel that both works are relevant to remind people of the past and not be complacent because of the wealthy and prosperous society that they are living in now. However, Migrant Mother is more relevant due to is international context as the whole world suffered from the Great Depression. Lunch Break has a more Asian context so not everyone throughout the world can relate to Lunch Break.
Migrant Mother brings the incidence of absolute poverty to light as it highlights that poverty is prevalent. The idea of poverty is still applicable in today's context as poverty is still widespread around the world, but the media has failed to publicise this notion. For future generations, they can be reminded of poverty and treasure what they currently have as they have so much more as compared to those living in poverty. This work also serves as a reminder to nations that poverty is still prevalent and corporations and countries should provide aid to those in the impoverished countries. Labourer serves more as a memory for Singaporeans to remember their founding forefathers but it does not apply to the international community. Therefore, not relevant to the international community.
Migrant Mother also comes in a series of photographs, which shows the prevalence of poverty during the Great Depression. The future generations will be more convinced of the incidence of poverty as they get different viewpoints of poverty, whereas Lunch Break is a singular painting which shows only one aspect of nation building in Singapore. Migrant Mother is a photograph, which the future generations can relate more due to the digitalising world. Lunch Break is only a painting and only those in the art world can relate to it.
Poverty is a problem which has still yet to be addressed and this work serves as a reminder to future generations not to be complacent and instead, address this prevailing problem instead of being fooled by the media.
Ok, so this essay is like the last essay that I will write for an AEP test in NY... ): I have to admit that I kind of like writing AEP essays under exam conditions :O Hard to believe, but that is how I really feel... I think that my brain functions more quickly during AEP exams and a narrative will just continuously flow out under my pen. :) My brain loves to slack when I am typing SOVA blog posts lol and it will only on its full engine during AEP exams. Haha writing AEP essays are nicer than writing IH essays where you have to really follow the question and this restricts creativity and I get mental blocks when I struggle to recall a piece of statistics to chuck in. Somehow, I feel that I do enjoy writing AEP essays, and that helps as I will feel inspired to write. Well, those above are not model answers, but I feel accomplished that I have managed to let this flow out during the exams. Only edited the grammar mistakes though, and I realised that I need to expand my vocab. :/ Shall do that during the holidays.
I hope I can write more art essays in the future. (: They are the nicest essays to write(well bio essays are also nice to write).
p.s. There's another thing that I have discovered. Piet Mondrian creates simple looking works but he is a chim guy. I can;t understand him lol...-.- When I saw the Piet Mondrian question, I was like...stare at the question, stare at the work, stare hard at the work and forget it--> runs off to be saved by the Han Sai Por question. Luckily there was the Han Sai Por question(:
Monday, October 22, 2012
first post after EOYS:D
Why am on this blog on this random day? O.O I just spoiled my keyboard because of ants-.- long story though...
Argh getting back 4 subjects papers tmr! Crossing fingers and toes! >.< Oh yeah I need to post up my recent art but my stupid com can't read my cam's memory card! Oh well..
Hmm, sneak peek! (: Not completed though. Close to completion. But here's the progress (:
Oh and I screwed up the bird's head. I wanted to make the feathers puff up and I keep adding paint on its head and it became like this-.-Now the bird looks ROUND AND FAT >.<
I just realised that my birds look like hybrids that is a cross-breed between birds and bears>.<
Argh getting back 4 subjects papers tmr! Crossing fingers and toes! >.< Oh yeah I need to post up my recent art but my stupid com can't read my cam's memory card! Oh well..
Hmm, sneak peek! (: Not completed though. Close to completion. But here's the progress (:
Oh and I screwed up the bird's head. I wanted to make the feathers puff up and I keep adding paint on its head and it became like this-.-Now the bird looks ROUND AND FAT >.<
Charcoal Sketch as base
First layer of paint
2nd layer
Ok then I went on a 4-5 months long break from this painting...Well, it was done in june hols and I had to go back to school so... and I finally went back to the studio again during Marking Day hols! (:
3rd layer - poor birds gained a lot of fat and feathers after I went back -.- at least the background looks nicer now(:
At least the birds are quite cute I hope? >.< They are fluffy!
Friday, September 14, 2012
My AEP Journey :')
Well, it hasn't ended yet. There's still viva voce and AEP SOVA EOYS. But it is coming to an end really really soon and somehow, I don't want it to end. ):
AEP has never been a bed of roses for me. It has never been a smooth journey, but it is one that I will remember forever, I guess(that sounds so cheesy>.< but it's true).
I remember that in primary 6, when we first had to report to Nanyang to get our school books and school uniform, that was when I got to know about the existence of AEP. My dad wanted me to join because he said that he wanted to develop my passion and skills in art, but I refused in fear of the heavy workload that is going to come my way once I join. However, even though I refused to join AEP, my dad still secretly signed me up for the selection test(which I didn't know until a few minutes before the commencement of the test O.O). So I went to the test and I drew my shoe, did a screwed up drawing of my non-existent bedroom and a weird sculpture which could not even stand by itself and had to be taped to the table. Left the artroom with mixed emotions.
But I was so surprised that I got selected. O.O It was quite surreal as I thought that my artworks were so screwed as compared to the rest. Haha, so I got into 101'09.
Yup so I went through the first 2 years without paying that much attention to AEP as most (like 80%) of my attention was on basketball and I would put in a lot of effort to train hard for basketball. I would only put in like 40% effort into my AEP artworks (I regret it now) and AEP works are mostly rushed out at the last minute>.< ... For example, I remember that all the prep work for my sec 2 drawing and painting EOY was rushed out the night before the exam! O.O
Well, the turning point came in sec 3. That was the year which I had to drop out of basketball because of my knee injury. ): So because of that, I decided to become more hardworking in my studies and put in more effort into AEP. Haha, so in sec 3, my AEP SIA group and I decided to embark on our ambitious mega project(The Kimono Exhibition Project), which concluded on a successful note! (: And I thought that I tried to put in no less than 90% for every AEP assignment, so it was an improvement from sec 1 and sec 2!
In sec 4, coursework arrived, among many other AEP assignments such as blog task, LSC logo design, NY 95th Anniversary card and all...And very unexpectedly, I got involved in the grand musical(which I don't mind as handling the manual follow spot light was a very fun, fulfilling and enriching experience for me! The only thing which I didn't like was that a lot of time was wasted --> I had to attend musical rehearsals right after block tests even before the spot lights actually arrived...). Getting involved in the musical meant that a lot of time that could have been spent on coursework was being taken away, and after the musical ended, I only had like 3 weeks left before the submission of coursework. So those 3 weeks were a mad rush(especially the one week of September holidays). But in the end, there was still this sense of achievement after submitting my coursework on Monday. It marked the closure to a very long journey.
Today, is the due date of this AEP blog which have accompanied me throughout this year. And after 12 midnight today, another year-long journey would have come to a closure too. I have enjoyed posting on this blog, as it is like sharing my art and views about art with the whole world. After today, I would still continue to post on this blog(after EOYs) and fill this blog with artworks that I will create during the loooong December holidays, and I will upload photos of our AEP trip to London and Paris too! (:
Well, I would like to say that this journey has been a bittersweet one for me, and I hope that everyone feels the same. AEP has its ups and downs, and sometimes, I must admit that AEP assignments were a pain as it clashed with our schoolwork. AEP is a very time-consuming subject and AEPers(including me) would often complain about how busy we are, and the extra time that we had to churn out to complete out AEP projects. It was quite difficult balancing AEP with our other subjects. AEP has deprived loads of my sleeping time, causing me to yawn extensively in class sometimes and even fall asleep in boring lessons.
But nevertheless, looking back, I guess that life would be quite mundane without AEP. AEP has broadened my horizons, and SOVA has taught me how to appreciate arts of different forms and art pieces which defy the conventional notion of art. I remembered that in sec 1, I only had eyes for the Old Master's works and I thought that Henri Matisse's works were ugly. Now, I thought that his works are actually quite unique (though not my favourite). AEP has allowed me to step out of my used-to-be narrowed mind and see so many things from different perspectives! AEP has also allowed me to experiment with so many different mediums, although I actually hoped that we could have touched on a wider variety of mediums in our 4 years here(such as pin-hole photography, woodcut etc.). I often look forward to AEP lessons(especially in sec 3 and sec 4) as it would mean that I can see 201'09 again. AEP has kept our class united as one and I love talking, laughing and doing art with my fellow AEPers. I would definitely miss the times in the artroom, where we would share our thoughts and laughter with one another. Such good memories :') I love the chemistry of our class as the bond that we share as a class is strong. Life would be so different if I had not met 201'09 and I am thankful that AEP has allowed me to keep in touch with them even after we had to be split into different classes.
Thank you Ash, Beilin, Caiwen, Fangni, Grace, Hsi Chien, Hui Sze, Jinglin, Jub, Kim, both Shu Huis, Pang, Rachel, Sharon, Si Ting, Svena, Sushi, Xinyu, Xinge, Yiyuan, Yuqi and Zhongxin for the wonderful times! (: Really really thank you very much! I hope that we will keep in touch even after we go to HCI and I hope that everyone will continue doing art, whether you are in HCAEP or not! Oh yeah and thank you to AEP teachers for guiding us through this 4 years of AEP! (:
Thank you AEP for all the wonderful memories! :D
AEP has never been a bed of roses for me. It has never been a smooth journey, but it is one that I will remember forever, I guess(that sounds so cheesy>.< but it's true).
I remember that in primary 6, when we first had to report to Nanyang to get our school books and school uniform, that was when I got to know about the existence of AEP. My dad wanted me to join because he said that he wanted to develop my passion and skills in art, but I refused in fear of the heavy workload that is going to come my way once I join. However, even though I refused to join AEP, my dad still secretly signed me up for the selection test(which I didn't know until a few minutes before the commencement of the test O.O). So I went to the test and I drew my shoe, did a screwed up drawing of my non-existent bedroom and a weird sculpture which could not even stand by itself and had to be taped to the table. Left the artroom with mixed emotions.
But I was so surprised that I got selected. O.O It was quite surreal as I thought that my artworks were so screwed as compared to the rest. Haha, so I got into 101'09.
Yup so I went through the first 2 years without paying that much attention to AEP as most (like 80%) of my attention was on basketball and I would put in a lot of effort to train hard for basketball. I would only put in like 40% effort into my AEP artworks (I regret it now) and AEP works are mostly rushed out at the last minute>.< ... For example, I remember that all the prep work for my sec 2 drawing and painting EOY was rushed out the night before the exam! O.O
Well, the turning point came in sec 3. That was the year which I had to drop out of basketball because of my knee injury. ): So because of that, I decided to become more hardworking in my studies and put in more effort into AEP. Haha, so in sec 3, my AEP SIA group and I decided to embark on our ambitious mega project(The Kimono Exhibition Project), which concluded on a successful note! (: And I thought that I tried to put in no less than 90% for every AEP assignment, so it was an improvement from sec 1 and sec 2!
In sec 4, coursework arrived, among many other AEP assignments such as blog task, LSC logo design, NY 95th Anniversary card and all...And very unexpectedly, I got involved in the grand musical(which I don't mind as handling the manual follow spot light was a very fun, fulfilling and enriching experience for me! The only thing which I didn't like was that a lot of time was wasted --> I had to attend musical rehearsals right after block tests even before the spot lights actually arrived...). Getting involved in the musical meant that a lot of time that could have been spent on coursework was being taken away, and after the musical ended, I only had like 3 weeks left before the submission of coursework. So those 3 weeks were a mad rush(especially the one week of September holidays). But in the end, there was still this sense of achievement after submitting my coursework on Monday. It marked the closure to a very long journey.
Today, is the due date of this AEP blog which have accompanied me throughout this year. And after 12 midnight today, another year-long journey would have come to a closure too. I have enjoyed posting on this blog, as it is like sharing my art and views about art with the whole world. After today, I would still continue to post on this blog(after EOYs) and fill this blog with artworks that I will create during the loooong December holidays, and I will upload photos of our AEP trip to London and Paris too! (:
Well, I would like to say that this journey has been a bittersweet one for me, and I hope that everyone feels the same. AEP has its ups and downs, and sometimes, I must admit that AEP assignments were a pain as it clashed with our schoolwork. AEP is a very time-consuming subject and AEPers(including me) would often complain about how busy we are, and the extra time that we had to churn out to complete out AEP projects. It was quite difficult balancing AEP with our other subjects. AEP has deprived loads of my sleeping time, causing me to yawn extensively in class sometimes and even fall asleep in boring lessons.
But nevertheless, looking back, I guess that life would be quite mundane without AEP. AEP has broadened my horizons, and SOVA has taught me how to appreciate arts of different forms and art pieces which defy the conventional notion of art. I remembered that in sec 1, I only had eyes for the Old Master's works and I thought that Henri Matisse's works were ugly. Now, I thought that his works are actually quite unique (though not my favourite). AEP has allowed me to step out of my used-to-be narrowed mind and see so many things from different perspectives! AEP has also allowed me to experiment with so many different mediums, although I actually hoped that we could have touched on a wider variety of mediums in our 4 years here(such as pin-hole photography, woodcut etc.). I often look forward to AEP lessons(especially in sec 3 and sec 4) as it would mean that I can see 201'09 again. AEP has kept our class united as one and I love talking, laughing and doing art with my fellow AEPers. I would definitely miss the times in the artroom, where we would share our thoughts and laughter with one another. Such good memories :') I love the chemistry of our class as the bond that we share as a class is strong. Life would be so different if I had not met 201'09 and I am thankful that AEP has allowed me to keep in touch with them even after we had to be split into different classes.
Thank you Ash, Beilin, Caiwen, Fangni, Grace, Hsi Chien, Hui Sze, Jinglin, Jub, Kim, both Shu Huis, Pang, Rachel, Sharon, Si Ting, Svena, Sushi, Xinyu, Xinge, Yiyuan, Yuqi and Zhongxin for the wonderful times! (: Really really thank you very much! I hope that we will keep in touch even after we go to HCI and I hope that everyone will continue doing art, whether you are in HCAEP or not! Oh yeah and thank you to AEP teachers for guiding us through this 4 years of AEP! (:
Thank you AEP for all the wonderful memories! :D
Coursework Final (:
Oil on Canvas with Thread
1.5m x 1.0m x 2 canvases
Hmm, they are supposed to be displayed one on top of the other. But they will only be hung up after EOYs so I shall see how it looks like when they are properly displayed.
Well, it will be quite hard to explain my work, but I will try my best. (: There are so many thoughts going through my mind now. I find it harder to explain my work to people and I find that writing SOVA essays seem much easier. :/
When I was young, I used to think that the world is a very nice place - I didn't know that wars, corruption existed and I was a little oblivious to many things that are happening in society. When we are all young, we used to be innocent, and due to our innocence and the fact that we are oblivious to the real world, we feel happier, more carefree. In my case, I felt that my childhood was filled with many happy memories, and that the life I led was more colourful and "pure". I had a lot of stuff toys when I was young(an entire wardrobe could be filled with all the stuff toys that I have!) and I often played with them when I was bored. Stuff toys are symbolic of the happy memories of my childhood. The girl in the first painting represented this notion of happiness, purity and childhood innocence, where she is shielded from the cruel society, hidden in her little shell, playing with stuff toys. The colourful hair represents the vitality of the child and suggests that her childhood life is filled with many colours.The stars hanging from the curtains represent the notion of hopes and dreams of the young child.
However, after the child grows up, she is exposed to the cruel society. As seen in the second painting, she metamorphoses into a lifeless looking "human" puppet. The girl's hair has changed from a used-to-be colourful hair into greyish hair. Her healthy flesh tones have turned white and seem to lack blood flow. It is as if life is sucked out of the girl, which causes her to look lifeless and tired. This represents the fact that many people are morphed into society's toy, controlled by what society wants us to be and somehow, forced to do what society wants us to do. The society becomes the ruthless puppet master and we become the helpless puppets. The person wearing the mask is representative of society's watchful eyes on us, looking over us. Her eyes are not seen, so we cannot see her complete facial features, which gives her anonymity and can actually represent the entire society. She looks at the puppet with a sinister smile... It is like "Big Brother's watching over you" - George Orwell. The stuff toys that represent innocence in the past have morphed into evil looking ones. It represents that as we grow up, everything changes, everything is different and we are forced to face the cruel world.
The puppet is giving a rose to the devil bear. The rose represents happy memories and it represents purity and beauty. However, the puppet is forced to give the rose to the devil. It symbolises that society robs us of true happiness as it controls us. It is like selling our happiness to society(the devil).
The whole work seems to be taking place in a theatre setting. I chose the theatre setting as I thought that it would be an appropriate setting to place puppets. The theatre also represents the notion of a play going on - a show that is purposedly scripted, manipulated and crafted. It is like how our life is manipulated by society in a way. Our life is like a staged show. The checkered floors are supposed to represent the chess boards - we are like chess pieces, being played by society.
The strings of the puppet actually connect the two pieces of work together. The puppet's strings are also present in the first painting as it means that the society has always been cruel ever since we are young, but it is just that we are blinded by this fact, oblivious to the "real world" and living happily in our own world of fantasy.
The top composition seems more simplistic and the bottom painting seems more cluttered with symbols. It also represents the fact that life in the past(childhood) was much more simple as compared to now(the present). I want to go back to being a child again. ):
Colour Scheme: Well, I made use of complementary colours. (: Red curtains vs. the Green checkered floor. Purple eyes vs. Yellow dress. Orange/Gold Frame vs. Blue in different areas.
The colours ae mainly pastel colours, which is quite ironic as pastel colours suggest a notion of lightness and a more positive outlook. Well, it looks like a happy, normal painting at first glance but when one stops to analyse the work, she can tell that some of the symbols used are actually quite morbid and sad. It is like how our society looks perfect at first glance, but there are actually a lot of problems existing in our society if we bother to look deeper. Everything is not what it seems to be.
p.s. you may not share the same views as I do but in this coursework, I think that I am just expressing the darker side of my thoughts. In reality, I think that I am a more optimistic person. (: I think that what I feel is partially true - we are somewhat controlled by society and we have to follow what society wants us to be. Well, we are not oppressed like Lucia Hartini, but we are not that free too, and as Nanyang Girls, we are supposed to be the "top of the top". Society expects us to become successful women in the future, placing expectations on us and somehow, I feel that we are all somewhat controlled by these expectations. Personally, I feel that many people expect me to become a doctor in the future(not that I mind) but I feel that these pre-expectations of the people around me actually control my thoughts in a is somewhat like asking me to do what they want. ><
Personal thoughts about my work:
I won't say I am very satisfied by it. There are a lot of rooms for improvement. But since it is my first time attempting such a large scaled painting(my largest artwork as of today), I shall consider this to be a good effort. (: I am glad that I finished(: I was quite worried as I only continued painting my not-yet-half-done painting after musical ended, which was 3 weeks prior to the submission deadline. If I had more time, I would include more symbols and details...
Anyway, I am not that emo! >.< As I said, this is the emo side of my thoughts which I would like to show as people normally don't see me as a emo person(not that I am). Haha, I guess that even as we may be puppets of the society, we should try to live past everyday with happiness so as to make our life more meaningful...(:
Comments on Peer's blogs :D
Links to my comments on my peer's blogs! :D
Jing Lin
Lee Shu Hui
Pang Xin
Ooi Shu Hui
I remembered I had more but I can't find them. ):
Jing Lin
Lee Shu Hui
Pang Xin
Ooi Shu Hui
I remembered I had more but I can't find them. ):
NY 95th anniversary card
My birthday card to celebrate Nanyang's 95th Anniversary! (: It turned out to look quite aesthetically pleasing despite the fact that it was rushed out within three days(well, the whole card project, inclusive of the prep work). Haha I must say that I am rather pleased with this little card.
I remember that the first AEPers who saw this card were Si Ting and Pang Xin. The first comment that Si Ting made was: "That is so you". I guess that she meant that the flowers kind of reflected my own personal style, which I have continuously developed ever since the kimono project last year. Those handcut, hand-dyed flowers have become my trademark now. (: And I like making those flowers, depite the fact that I will take like 1 hour for one flower(so tedious and tiring ><).
It was inspired by the wrapping of gifts - opening the card would be like opening a present. (: Well, I stuck the on the silver gems one by is supposed to give the card more detail and a more decorative, finished look! (: It also made the card look more pretty I guess (:
MY PREP WORK(Arranged in order) :
Mindmap: The typical first page of my prep work for every assignment. -.- Well, it is to crack my brain for ideas and to sort out the ideas in a neater way. I realise that throughout these 4 years, I have developed a distinctive style for my mindmap! (:
Research pics: The typical second page of my prep. -.- Haha, it is to source for images which I could refer to!
Drawings, which is an attempt to fill up more space actually... I don't really see a need to draw so many things as my final piece is handcrafted with minimal drawings. But I guess it is an essential part of prep work for every assignment. Oh well...
Experimenting with different fonts and text! And trying to decide if I should include English or Chinese words on my card...I believe that bold and impactful text is an important component of the cover page of cards!
Hands on experiment. Dying newspapers with expired tea so that they look old--> The one dyed piece of paper which I included on the final card is supposed to show the fact that Nanyang has a long history of 95 years...Artist influence is included on this page! (: I was really inspired by the handmade cards by Julia Stainton! (: Click on her website to view many more beautiful paper crafts and cards!!! :D
Haha, composition. It is also an essential part of every prep work.
Basketball Player Sculpture
MEDIUM: Wire, Plaster, Spray Paint
DATE: 2010
A sec 2 assignment which I dug out from the storeroom today. We are supposed to create a sculpture of a sportsperson in action and I chose to create the form of a basketball player in action(haha for obvious reasons!!). We first had to create the form of the sculpture using wires. I had great difficulties twisting the wires to create the necessary forms as it was my first time working with wires(suffered from cuts and bruises). Nevertheless, it was a great experience! Then after we finished working on the form, we had to cut plaster strips into small little squares before sticking them onto the wire base. We use water to glue the plaster strips together. (:
The last part is to paint the sculpture. I painted the sculpture with black paint, before dripping green and white paint onto the sculpture like Jackson Pollock! (: To add a finishing touch, I sprayed my sculpture with white spray paint.
Close up on the painterly patterns on the sculpture:
I thought that the white spray paint made the sculpture look like it grew mould. >.< But it also gave it a frosty look! (: At first there was a base for the sculpture, but it was removed cos it had to be exhibited along with the rest of the sculptures. So it cannot stand on its own now. ):
Freedom of Expression
Done during one of the earlier AEP practical lessons this year cos I had no practically no idea what I should do for my coursework. So I was playing around with different mediums found in the art room as experimentations! (: Mainly playing with the idea of abstract art, colours and randomness.
MEDIUM: Mixed Media (Ink, Water, Wires, Paint, Toilet Paper, Drawing Block and Coloured paper)
This was the very first piece. It was created by dropping ink and then dropping drops of water onto the paper, and slanting the paper to create trails of diluted ink.
Decided to use bolder and brighter colours. Sprayed water onto the paper to create the "splashing" effect and it can also allow the inks to spread to cover a wider area on the paper. Don't know what got into my mind but decided to tear strips of toilet paper and cut wires to stick onto the paper, to create a textural effect.
Got bored of white, plain drawing block and decided to explore the use of positive and negative space. So I got a few pieces of black A3 coloured paper and a big big bucket of acrylic paint. Dipped the brush into the paint and then moving my arm randomly over the piece of paper, watching paint drip onto the paper. It is like Jackson Pollock's works (: (On a smaller scale). Splashed ink on top of the dried acrylic to create a coloured effect. The dry acrylic popped out of the piece of paper by the way, creating textures in the work! (:
The result of me and Sharon's combined effort! (: My favourite piece out of the 4, due to the bright warm, yellow and red tones. We worked in a cyclical way, and the big lumps are formed by pausing our brush over an area to let more paint drip onto the paper. It was a very carefree way of doing art. I like it (:
Well, I would like to create more works like this in the future. I thought that it can help to relieve stress and the products actually turned out quite nicely! (: This messy style of working is quite different from my usual style as I would often draw and paint my forms carefully. Although these works lack a significant subject matter, it is just created on impulse and it is done in a very expressive manner(which I like!). I thought that I could have done more experiments and that I could have used a wider range of materials to enhance my works! I wanted to use spray paint but I didnt. Well, I thought that the inks on black paper had the efect of spray paint so I guess it's ok. I like how the different materials interact with one another to form an entire composition! (:
MEDIUM: Mixed Media (Ink, Water, Wires, Paint, Toilet Paper, Drawing Block and Coloured paper)
This was the very first piece. It was created by dropping ink and then dropping drops of water onto the paper, and slanting the paper to create trails of diluted ink.
Decided to use bolder and brighter colours. Sprayed water onto the paper to create the "splashing" effect and it can also allow the inks to spread to cover a wider area on the paper. Don't know what got into my mind but decided to tear strips of toilet paper and cut wires to stick onto the paper, to create a textural effect.
Got bored of white, plain drawing block and decided to explore the use of positive and negative space. So I got a few pieces of black A3 coloured paper and a big big bucket of acrylic paint. Dipped the brush into the paint and then moving my arm randomly over the piece of paper, watching paint drip onto the paper. It is like Jackson Pollock's works (: (On a smaller scale). Splashed ink on top of the dried acrylic to create a coloured effect. The dry acrylic popped out of the piece of paper by the way, creating textures in the work! (:
The result of me and Sharon's combined effort! (: My favourite piece out of the 4, due to the bright warm, yellow and red tones. We worked in a cyclical way, and the big lumps are formed by pausing our brush over an area to let more paint drip onto the paper. It was a very carefree way of doing art. I like it (:
Well, I would like to create more works like this in the future. I thought that it can help to relieve stress and the products actually turned out quite nicely! (: This messy style of working is quite different from my usual style as I would often draw and paint my forms carefully. Although these works lack a significant subject matter, it is just created on impulse and it is done in a very expressive manner(which I like!). I thought that I could have done more experiments and that I could have used a wider range of materials to enhance my works! I wanted to use spray paint but I didnt. Well, I thought that the inks on black paper had the efect of spray paint so I guess it's ok. I like how the different materials interact with one another to form an entire composition! (:
Macdonalds Street Art
This is very innovative! It is like advertising in the unusual way(but nevertheless creative) way. Even though I don't exactly like the idea of promoting fast food, I feel that we need these bunch of creative people to constantly change our world and surprise us by fusing art into our everyday lives. Art can change the face of the world.
Art makes the world go round. (:
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